Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Genius Hour Open House

Today we had our first Genius Hour Open House! I invited all the administrators and staff in our school to "drop in" during an hour period this morning to learn about Genius Hour and see our projects. We set the desks up in a big circle around the class and my students all stood behind their desks with their ipads, laptops, bristol boards, displays, or whatever they presented their projects with. Visitors came in and my kids were thrilled to share their work!
They had also written persuasive letters to their "future teachers" explaining what Genius Hour was and why they should continue to have Genius Hour next year. Our answers ranged from "It was fun," to "Genius Hour gives me a chance to learn about things that I am passionate about and I have more things that I want to learn!" Our guests got to read those letters too.
I am happy that  so many teachers had the opportunity to learn what Genius Hour is and saw how motivated my kids were to present their hard work!
Genius Hour was a wonderful experience for me and it was partly due to the incredible Genius Hour community of teachers that I have connected with through the Facebook group and Twitter chats who share their knowledge and experiences  I already have my ideas of what I can improve on for next year!

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